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Secret of the Stone Age

Looking back to the the food that drove evolution forward.

“Bone broth has been cherished by civilisations for thousands of years across Ancient China, Japan, Korea and more. As I travelled Asia, I discovered that these societies have understood the transformative effect of bone broth for millenia.”

Creator of Aeons

50,000 years ago...

...the depths of winter, the darkness of night.

As a snowstorm rages outside, a family takes shelter in a cave.

A fire crackles. The people huddle around it, and try not to think about the gnawing in their stomachs. There’s no food tonight. Hasn’t been for days. Won’t be until the snow stops and they can go out and hunt. There’s just a pot of water on the fire, and a pile of bones in the corner - remnants of their last meal.

As they hug their furs closer to their chests, one woman has an idea.

“What if we Cook the Bones?”

They toss them in the pot of water, leave them over the fire and
wait. Many hours pass. The hunger gnaws deeper at their bellies.
The cold seeps into their bones. 

Eventually, the broth is ready.

The family taste it, passing the pot to each other around the fire.
It tastes rich, meaty, comforting, invigorating. Of life.

As the family sits around the fire that night, passing the
broth from one to another, they do not know the revolution
they’ve started. How - over the coming weeks - the broth will
heal their bodies. Lift their spirits. Breathe life into their
souls. They do not know their recipe be passed down.

Across generations, to other tribes,
to civilisations, to the whole world.

They do not know any of this, but it is true. All great civilizations drank bone broth, from China to Judea to Greece. All noticed how it sharpened their minds, strengthened their joints, sustained their skin. All built rituals around it, recognising its power as medicine for the soul. Many of these rituals still survive. 

With Nature’s Gift,
We bring that ritual to you.

194 reviews


chicken BONE BROTH

Our recipe takes the best secrets from humankind’s 50,000 years of making bone broth. Combining the highest quality chicken bones, vegetables, and herbs into a recipe fit for any age.

  • Supports energy, skin & metabolism
  • With 3 types of collagen
  • Only 51 calories per serving